
Depressed to hell

Yesterday night sucked beyond belief. I was going in to Gothenburg so see Slagsmålsklubben, a great bitpop band. Now how often do you get the chance to watch that kind of music? At one of the nights I wasn't working late too. But you couldn't buy your tickets in advance, no. You had to be there early. So I got off work a little earlier than normal in order to make it to the train, but when I got there I got to stand in a queue for over an hour, breathing poisonous air and getting cold, just to be let known, along with perhaps 50 other people, that the place is full. Ha fucking ha. I could only go home, notbeingg able to do anything that night. I guess the only good thing was that none of my friends were able to join me, so they didn't have to bedisappointedd too.

I feel alone and I fucking hate it.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Jag hade hängt på om jag vetat =(