

Dance I like. Unfortunately there are very few places in Skövde where you can manage to do that. At least when I'm there. And the places that do exist play very, very bad music. Not a House as far as the ear can hear (heh, that sounded nice).

Anyway, only a single week left now, then I'll be home for four glorious weeks. Can't wait!

This weekend has been quite short unfortunately, this because of me going home on saturday, since this was the day of the Regiment, as you know if you read my latest post. The way was quite alright though, the combat show was cool... you got shotguns and rifles and machineguns... and tanks and combat vehicles... and I finally got to sit in my armored ambulance. Havn't been in it once before this day actually... and I'm going to spend large parts of the winter in it. And that's going to be warm and nice. Not cold. Not like recon...

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