

Ork is one swedish word that has no good english translation. "Jag orkar inte" becomes something like "I don't have the energy to", which is far too long to say if you're tired and don't ork. So then you simply type "orka".

Today, or rather this week, I have not been orking much at all. I have a ridiculous chemistry test tomorrow and I havn't studied a bit. Am I going to fail? Most certainly. Do I care? No. I don't even care if I fail the whole course... it's not like I need advanced chemistry in order to design computer games. Unless I'm going to do it really, really realistic. But too much realism is not fun.

That music I told you about the other day landed at 1202 tracks with a total playtime of 73 hours, 42 minutes and 50 seconds.

Watch this and laugh.

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