
Short notice

So this friend of mine calls me.
-There is a LAN-party coming up!
-Alright! I think.
-It's in a couple of hours.
-Oh... Well... I'll do it anyway!
-Sry my bad, it's in one hour.
-Holy... Well to hell with sense! I'll join in!

And so there is a guy coming to pick me up momentarily. His name is Damir Mahmutovic fyi.

Ah, it's going to be such an enormous joy to be at a lan again. I've really missed it. When I get my own place, my own life and my own computer I will be a frequent visitor of dreamhack, the worlds largest lan-party ever. Only been there once, but believe me, it's worth the money! The best thing about it is not the games. It's not the file sharing or the pron. It's not the competitions or even the general (and much lovable) mood. And it's not the people either. The great and wondrous thing about dreamhack, or any lan for that matter, is sitting on a chair for days and days, not doing anything relevant what so ever. A true rest for the mind.

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