

Now that is something that really sucks donkey balls. Not just because it involves killing a whole lot of innocent people and saying "I am allowed to because Mohammad did so. Besides, it was in the name of God and all that is good", it also sucks because people can't publish some cartoons in a white, western, Christian country, meaning no harm, without getting threatened to death by some Islamic extremists, thereby putting a huge shadow over the entire religion, marking all of the followers with a "suicidal maniac"-sign right across the chest, bringing more fear and hate from people from afar and making everything bigger and worse than it ever should have, or would have had to be.
Now this western country apologizes for upsetting so many über-sensitive (almost more sensitive than US on nudity and foul language) people, and they get the loving response of burning the country's flag and prime minister and boycotting products from the country, putting thoughtful, caring, family-supporting humans who hasn't drawn a single Mohammad-picture in they're lives out of work.
Well, you've got to work hard to stay as the world's most beloved religion.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Gode vän, bara för att man rent juridiskt må ha rätt att säga att till ens nästa att han är ful och att hans mamma luktar illa behöver man inte göra det. Det är ju onödigt att göra någon ledsen i onödan.