
Right to copy

The piracy Party has succeeded in registering itself as a political party by collecting the needed 1500 signatures from around the country. The actual count is over 2000. The party is getting more and more attention and hopefully they will get enough votes in the election later this year to get into the parliment. I'm thinkning about voting for them myself... the questions about integrity, copyright and patents are the ones I care the most about, and I would really like to see them brought forward, too many has accepted the way we are violated by the way we are supervised by all kinds of authorities. The whole patent-system is also directly un-good, hindering the distribution of medecine in third-world countries.

But the companies make more money this way! W00t!

Oh, and regarding that last post, did it sound like I dislike Islamic people? Of course I do not. I dislike extremists (of any kind) that giver large, nice groups of people a bad reputation. It's happening on both sides right now.

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