
Tomorrow is also a relative word

Ok, so haven't really had time to write since the last post. Anyway, here goes:

Day 1 - Arrived, got some clothes, went away almost immediately to pick up a sick old man and transport him to the hospital. Not before long a second call came in... I think it was another transport. Then we picked up a guy who had cut himself in the wrist with a dazzingly sharp knife, and then we responded to an old lady who had fallen and needed transport. Ya, that was pretty much day 1.

Day 2 - nothing happened for almost 5 hours... I mainly watched TV during that time. Then I jumped on an ambulance with another coulple of guys that I don't usually ride with just to get something to do. After having dropped a girl with a strange allergic reaction at the hospital we got a priotity-1-call. A traffic accident. Frontal hit in 70 km/h, and so the cars were pretty much junk. But the people seemed to have managed quite alright. Unfortunately I had failed to put my overalls in this car, so I couldn't go out in the rain without getting seriously cold... so I stayed in the vehicle. A pity really. But "hopefully" there will be more chances.

IN OTHER NEWS: Watched Land of the dead. Nice movie. Very gory. The counter at the bottom of the sidebar to the right of this page just hit 200. I'm internet famous! I also made a small iso-drawing. "Jag vill bo/i en iPod/Annars får jag kramp!"

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Ursäkta att jag inte hört av mig som jag lovade en gång. Åker bort nästa vecka men är tillbaka vecka 45 igen. Då ska vi väl kunna göra något i social stil.