
Kind of retro

Recently finished one of the great games of all time: Full Throttle. So completely wonderful. Lucas Arts at it's finest. Too bad no one makes adventure games anymore. So in order to compensate I'm now playing Monkey Island 2. We played through the first one in school (yes, all we have been doing is playing games), blowing up the evil LeChuck with the devilspawn drink of d00m: Root Beer! So now I'm trying to find the treasure Big Whoop. And I'm already stuck.

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Full Throttle äger!
- Let me go or else!
- Or else what?
- I will call you names!
- Oooh! Like what?
- Dypered dynamo!

Lite småcoolt är ju också att Luke Skywalker gör rösten till skurken. Perfekt såhär i starwars-tider menar jag.