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Just thought I'd make a quick entry concerning this weekend since I won't be able to access the Internet for three days (OMG I will perish into emptyness of d00m!!). This is not, as you might think, because of crappy ISP, but because of a trip to Jönköping with my nice but slightly, very unfocused group of confirmands. I do hope it will be a cool camp.
I am also having this argument with a 12-year old (at least that's what he claims to be) at this community about piracy. I am, of course, completely running him over, and for the sole purpose of provocation I changed my avatar to this: 
I havn't heard from him all day, and I know he's been online. Hehe.
One of the mistakes he made was not just comparing software with a car (why does everybody use a car as an example?), but that he was against the piracy of music, which is the easiest to defend, since this is where most of the trying-and-buying (downloading for evaluation) takes place. And I also have very solid proof that it works (myself).
I'll probably get into buying games and movies too, but they're quite expensive when you compare.
I just placed an order of four very promising records: Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Monster Magnet and Haunted. Note that I leeched three of these, and after hearing how swell they sounded, decided to buy their records. "Piracy is bad for the music industry, whine, whine..." stfu plz.
Maybe I should buy this new Weezer album too... they don't sound too bad. I do need some proper rock between the industrial metal and the hardcore techno.
I managed to get this (klick "fun") to work today. Really proud! (: <-- yes, that is a backward smiley!
My neck hurts. All stiff. Hope it gets better til tomorrow which is my FREE DAY (aka the day WoW took over).
Dum-dadum clap! taka-taka-taka pow! pow! pow! clap clap! Ta-tam-ta-tam cla-cla-clap! Bof Bof Bof, booooom! Tapatapatapa... pow! pow! pow! clap! Tadum-dum bom! Bo-bo-bo boomh, pak! pak! pak! Clap!
Pant... pant...
It is now exactly 1 hour and 3 minutes until it is officially my birthday (happy birthday to mee)! I did have some sort of party with some family yesterday, which was kind of nice, the cake was good. I did recieve Metallicas Ride the Lightning from the Blomqvist family (peace doodz) which is not bad at all. All the band members got long curly hair, but the music is good. To be honest, I am actually hoping to get Donkey Kong Jungle Beat tomorrow... otherwise I'll have to buy it. It just seems so ridiculously funny. And another set of bongos will enable further bongo-battling in DKonga... bongo on!
No sugar without some sulfuric acid though... tomorrow is also the day I have a pysics exam. Bleeeh. I sure do want to get out of this place. Military service will be a joy, no matter how hard, and despite all the games and stuff I'll be missing. Set meee... freee... (Meat Beat Manifesto - Prime Audio Soup).
I have also started playing some old cool Amiga games. Please use this emulator. If you really can't find the kickstart ROM 1.3 (it's not exactly legal, but it's out there) contact me and I just might set you up. There is also this torrent, it's called Amiga Classix 4 and features the emulator and quite a few game and configs. You can of course add your downloaded .adf files to the collection.
My fscking windows machine has been "downloading updates (0%)" all day. If it leeches bandwith without making progress I might just kill someone. Something. Yeah... something. Like a computer or so... Like one with M$ Windows installed...
I am trying to learn how to use Macromedia Flash right now. It's quite fun. I did however Stumble upon a really awesome flash site, and I realized It's going to take a while before I'll be able to do something like that... Anyway, the reason for learning Flash is not just for fun, I'm going to do this project thing for school, a website for the world known video game company Pixel Polygon Studios. So far it consists of me. I'll post links and stuff when I'm done. In like a month or so.
Downloaded Sin City a couple of nights ago... only seen the trailers so far, but I'm going to watch the whole shubadoo this weekend probably. If I can manage to get my sister out of my room... she constantly wants to use the computer for chatting. Use a phone...
Alan is really cool.
Well, so here I am again. Writing late at night. I recently started playing the old Black and White game and it's still fun. I'm trying my best to be a really good god, but that's not easy. People are much more impressed by fireballs that magic rain clouds. Which is true in our world too. If God did cast fireballs he would probably get many more believers, but it wouldn't be very nice of him, would it? Besides, it would erase the choice to belive, since you get proof.
I had this wierd dream last night... I dreamt I ate a huge mashmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone. My mouth was all dry... eiach...
Ork is one swedish word that has no good english translation. "Jag orkar inte" becomes something like "I don't have the energy to", which is far too long to say if you're tired and don't ork. So then you simply type "orka".
Today, or rather this week, I have not been orking much at all. I have a ridiculous chemistry test tomorrow and I havn't studied a bit. Am I going to fail? Most certainly. Do I care? No. I don't even care if I fail the whole course... it's not like I need advanced chemistry in order to design computer games. Unless I'm going to do it really, really realistic. But too much realism is not fun.
That music I told you about the other day landed at 1202 tracks with a total playtime of 73 hours, 42 minutes and 50 seconds.
Watch this and laugh.
Currently downloading: ~1250 mp3 files. ReMixed video game music. Ahh... the wonderful tunes... I almost forgot how much I like this shit. So go there, and download! Downloooooad! Waaaaaaaarghh!
And if not, check this site out (self-promotion-warning):
G'night y'all.
Good morning.
The sun is shining on me and I am supposed to be working. Blargh. Well, the sweet tunes of Dark Tranquility can at least help me with parts of it.
I think my connection is stable now. I had to format my drive to get rid of the virus(es), nothing happened when you pressed ctrl+alt+del... and that's bad. It is probably only a matter of time though before my sister downloads a smiley-central mega plugin for IE or something and the computer gets crammed with spyware again. Maybe one should get a firewall or something... meh.
O well, of to do the Flash.
Yes. It's true. I am about to dedicate my life (or at least some part of it) to using crappy pieces of technology that breaks down on me unabling me to work and do cool creative stuff. Well, sometimes they work, but don't count on it. The reason for the fury is that I'm going to have to format my computer... again. If I encounter more problems during this process I might kill someone.
Anyway... only two weeks until it's half-time. After that I will be free every tuseday. It will be so great... And the tickets for RixHack is booked. A ~2000-people LAN in Gothenburg. It's the 5-8 of may, so if you are available, join us (cost: max 500kr)!