
The end

This is, the end of all hope!

Well, it's the end of the holiday. School tomorrow. I have decided that I will now be entering a period of work. I shall work, I shall finish and I shall prevail. After that I shall be free. I shall show the true meaning of willpower. To myself, if not else.

Ok, so for today's happy section: I recently installed Adobe Photoshop (how did I survive without it?) and I started to learn Flash again. Actually for school, but since it's so fun, It gets to be in the joy section today. As will this. Man, this dude is seriously disturbed in the head.

Now I'm going to listen to some radio (Swedish P3 man!) and then I will go to bed. Good night, all you freedomdreamers.


M$ WinFsck

My internet connection is goin up and down like a yo-yo from hell. All I can do for now is blame Micro$oft.

Had a swell night yesterday though. Easter rules, in the church at least. And I kissed Anna. Well, on the hand after doing a small walz with her, but still.

Man, I hope my mum never finds out about this blog...


I'm back

I'm back from hell again!
Black hell is everywhere!

Or more specifically: I'm back online. Blasted servers! I hate technology that doesn't work. The worst part about it is that I'm the only one in our family that has any technical knowledge about computers, so it's always, always up to me to "fix" everything. And I hate it!
Anyway, after a couple of days of downtime it's working again, hopefully. Just before the informational blackout I joined a guild in WoW, and I soo want to play it. AND I want to try out the new things that came with the latest patch... unless the Blizzard servers are down (again) of course.

Submitted a new image to deviantART. Turned out to be ok.

Some good news then: It's spring! It's getting really warm outside and I just love it. This is the worst winter I've ever had and I just want to get to the summer! I want to get out of this place! Even if it does mean I'm going to run around in the terrain playing with real weapons and patching people up when they shoot themselves in the foot. Nah, it won't be school so it will be great. I'll keep ye posted.



Me and some dudes are making a small movie. It's based on all the action movies with Steven Segal, I and two others play Steven's sons, since he died in one of his earlier movies. Lots of action and invulnerability, no story, and a really wierd happy ending. Might be fun.

I was in Gothenburg the other day... bought the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction (very nice), a couple of new indoor shoes (my others were falling apart, literally), a shirt with Rammstein, and this.

And so the much wanted story about the love from Holland.
I was playing WoW as a female undead warlock and I ask for help with a quest. I get a reply from someone, we meet up, and not after long he asks me if I'm a girl. I say "what do I look like?" and he then assumes that I am indeed a girl. Maybe it was slightly my fault, but it gets better. He asks me about my age, and when he finds out that I'm 18, he gets a little sad, because he was 12 and he was going to ask me to "go steady", which is of course completely ridiculous since he knows absolutely nothing about me, not even things he thinks he knows. He then proceeds to help me with everything I ask, all while saying stuff like "I think i'm in love", "I should always die for you" when dying, causing me to do the same; "I don't love your body I love your soul", since we were playing undead; and "we must fight together", when attacking a horde of high level enemies, which we cannot possibly take on.
It was quite fun though. Hope he gets a life. Unless he thought he was tricking me as well and was no 12 year old, but an angry 2000 year old demon from hell! If that was the case he can go... back... to hell!


"Good" night

Meehhh... I am so tired right now... just got back from a friend's. Played some GameCube with Mario Kart and Donkey Konga... It could have been better though. Everyone there takes it all so seriously. Every trial is a competition, every game is a world cup final. I'm quite tired of it actually. If there is something in this world you should not take seriously it's games. That is why they are called games and not future-depending-trials-of-importance. So please, guys, relax.

I got Resident Evil 4 the other day. Yeah... I have to play it more at night though... the scary panic effects does not really come to their rights in daylight. Still a wonderful game.

I somehow got a 12-year old kid from the Netherlands to fall in love with me today. Get the full story tomorrow.



Yes... Harmony is the band I'm listening to as we speak. As I write. Yes. Either way it's a cool christian power metal band. Check 'em out. Speaking of the church, I just got back from there, doing my weekly confirmation leader thing. The group is actually getting better and better. Though they can be quite loud at times. STFUOKIPLZTHX! But I leave that part to the priest.

Tomorrow is bowling. And then I'm going to a WoW-LAN. It'll be really great. But it'll be even better when I get home. Because tomorrow I will also purchase Resident Evil 4! Then I won't sleep for the rest of the holiday... partly because of the gaming, partly because of the horror. The horror... (Guess the movie quote).

Now I'm off to watch 24. I know it's the same thing over and over again, but I've kind of started, so I don't want to miss episodes, or it will be even worse. Now peace out, and wait for my reports from the LAN, if I get time to make any that is.


A slight progress

First up: the latest news from the World of Warcraft. I am now level 25. I have gone back to the Eastern Kingdoms to complete some old quests. I have a new, better, uglier shield. ... Well, that's about it. I hope to be getting a really cool armor soon, I just have to go through hell and back to get it.

And now for some stuff that might be interesting to the rest of humanity: If you haven't noticed, Antipiratbyråns webpage (anti-piracy) has been hacked for quite some time now by AUH, Angry Young Hackers. A really nice way of showing that their behaviour is not acceptable. I came up with a really nice metaphor for this: They (the pirate hunters) are trying to control the Internet, which is ilke trying to put out a forest fire with a fire hose. With Bahnhof they managed to put out an entire tree, but while they was doing that the grass started to glow under their feet, and they are now trapped between all the other mighty burning oaks. As I have always said, they will go down in a burning inferno.

Keep it cool. Or hot... or, whatever...


Free for a day

I'm not in school today, which means I'm making massive progress in WoW! I am currently taking a break, waiting for my ressurection sickness to lay off... Well, I should check back now, hope nothing has killed me. Blasted horde...

A Sunday

This day went by pretty much unnoticed. Played some WoW, updated the youth site for the parish, and went to see Constantine, from which I just got back. It could have been worse, but it could also have been better. The thought was good, but it lacked in style. Unfortunately. But then, who am I, or any film critic by the way, to judge a movie? It's not like we can go out and do something better in a week.

The snow is falling heavily outside my window. I do not want it to snow. I want it to be summer. This may have been the worst winter of my life. Just an uneccesary time period I had to get though to get to the things I want.

Good night.


Too much, followed by nothing

The title pretty much sums up what this day was like. Chemistry exam in the morning. Not fun. When I finally got through I played Actung, die Kurve and Chip n' Dale until dinner, and after that I and a friend completed Chip n' Dale and began the work on Life Force. That is a hard game, let me tell you... I was planning on playing Castlevania, but alas, it shall have to wait until another day.

Some news about the Nintendo Revolution! Waho! I wonder if the wi-fi will be the only revolutionary thing. There has been monsterous amounts of rumors suggesting that there will be gyroscopes in the controllers, making it feel how you're holding it. In either case I think Nintendo is doing the right thing by going for innovation. When the consoles have reached their limit in hardware and the craphics is so perfect it's ridiculous, what are they going to do? The hardware does not make the game, look at all the fancy, expensive, beautiful and BORING games of today. I am especially referring to all the FPS games. Only a few of those (say three out of thirty) contribute, the others are either ripoffs or repetitions. No, when all the others sit there with their heavy machines Nintendo will pevail because they can still give the player something new. It may take time, but they will suceed. At least that's what I think... Until then, play tha Resident Evil 4! I don't have it just yet, but it will be out in a week. Mmmmmmm... ResidentEvilFour.

Just watched Treasure Hunters too. Ok action and riddles, but not that exciting after all. Leech it first or you might buy something that will be watched once and then forgotten.

Keep it real.


A day of evasion

Well, something really funny happened at school today. First some background story: At my school we sit and work in small rooms with approx. four people in each. These rooms are called cells. Now, this dude in my cell, we can call him Sebastian, because that's his name, tends to be and behave slightly different from the rest of us. To put it simple, he wants to work, we want to play emulated NES games.

Now, the conflict has been going back and forth for some time, or gaming computer has been moved to another room, and then moved back, and some sort of weird agreement was met, broken, and finally ignored, which resulted in the four of us moving to the cell next door. We spent most of the day moving computers and rearranging the new cell, cleaning the place and making everything crisp, and making room for everyone. We even took a car and went to buy a door mat. A green one.
Our floor hasn't been known for being the most well cleaned, so when the two assistant head masters came by to check the place out and give out directions for tidying everything up, our new cell was the only one that didn't get a warning. Considering that this cell was the dirtiest of them all one hour ago, this was completely hilarious. It gets better when you note the fact that Sebastian has given appearance of being the most tidy person on the school (at least on our floor).

Allow me an evil laugh of freedom. This was the change that might just get me through the first part of spring alive!

Tomorrow I have a chemistry exam. It's quite hard. Hope I pass. Hope with me. I also hope I will get a chance to watch Constantine this weekend. It seems really interesting.

Finally some piracy news. Or rather some piracy links, in swedish.


Le work.

Yip. I'm kind of le tired today. Could be because today end in ten minutes, but it could also be because of all the work I do late at night, which is the time when I work best. Actually I work good whenever I'm alone and is able to do what I want, listen to ridicolusly loud music and surf the web, all at the same time. The fabulous site www.onsalaungdom.se is kind of up too. It will be up as soon as Crystone manages to switch the current server from Windows to Linux, cause we need both php and MySQL, which is superior and, of course, not supported by M$.

In other news, I'm trying out Google's image program Picasa by posting a screenshot of my surfer-desktop.

Tomorrow that is. I'll let it archive all images on the disk during the night. Hmm... getting a slight headache. Must sleep. 4000 people has filed complaint agains the swedish "Antipiratbyrån", the anti piracy bureau. They are so going down. Next: Microsoft... Well, well, in a perfect world.

I'm so tired. Good night.


The next year of my life.

It is now certain that I will do military service the next year. I got the papers last friday. Twelve days after graduation it's off to live the hard life. But I'm not negative. I will absolutely enjoy this! As long as it's not studying I'm happy. Well, I know there will be some theory involved with equpiment and stuff, but that doesn't count.

Last friday I also bought a new record, Goa-head vol. 16, which is a absolutely lovely collection of goa trance and psychedelic trance. I have however still not been able to listen to the two discs (not even one whole actually) because of several annoying reasons, the most recent beeing my sister playing Donkey Konga with my stereo as I write. I want out of here! Far away! The situation does not improve when everybody around me keeps asking for help with their computers that doesn't work. I am so sick of fixing computers. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/frustrations/388b/

High point of the day (so far): My walls were shaking slightly when I played trance on really high volume and max base.
Low point of the day: I need to work. But I don't want to work! Damn you obligations!!


The beginning! Or maybe something else... who knows?

Well, I heard on the radio that a new blog is created every six seconds. Probably true. And now I am one of the many with a need to write, and for some reason a need for lots of people to read what you write. I must admit, I like it too!
So how does one start a blog? What should you write? I guess it should it be something that defines the whole blog, something that marks how the post will procede and something that sets the bar for what will be written. And that's probably what I'm doing, without knowing (hey, that rhymed... almost!).

High point of the day: Breakfast. Bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, toast and milk.
Low point of the day: Settlers 2 crashed on me. I need an old gaming computer for all the good games.