I thought I'd say a few words about music today.
I have 0 mp3-files on my computer. Wait, that's not entirely correct, let me rephrase. I have very few mp3-files on my computer that I ever listen to. I am since a while ago entirely devoted to webradio. Free, fast and you never really know what you're gonna get. The sites I use are Kohina, glorious bitpop and oldschool music; Digitally Imported, all kinds of electronic music, dance, chill or otherwise, something for everyone, and finally the Swedish Radio, which features many good music shows, especially late at night. It's also generally chill to listen to. Ocationally I go to some webradio-collection site and select a jazz channel or something, just to get some variation. But it doesn't last long.
I know people who has got so many mp3-files on theis disks they need support columns to prevent their harddisks from falling through the bottom of the computer case. They're that heavy. And so when I buy my own computer (another day of joy to look forward to) I'm going to keep minimizing the amount of mp3s, unless I buy some seriously large hdd:s, which I probably will... But I shall try to stay clean! It's a tough fight to fight on you own, but I will make it! I shall repent!
The lan was good. I survived. Nuff said about that.
You might have noticed the new link buttons to the right. I think they turned out quite alright.
Christmas is tomorrow. I can't believe it. Where did all the waiting and anticipation go? Now don't act like some dull adult and go all "that's what happens when you get older", cause I do not want it to be like this. It spoils the whole month. So very many thing makes me wish I could be a little child again. A child in the summertime. Or even an adult in the summer. I wrote last spring that the previous winter had been the worst in my life. I think I'm about to experience something slightly worse in two weeks...
But let's not talk about stuff like that. This is the season of joy, isn't it?
Isn't it?
You might have noticed the new link buttons to the right. I think they turned out quite alright.
Christmas is tomorrow. I can't believe it. Where did all the waiting and anticipation go? Now don't act like some dull adult and go all "that's what happens when you get older", cause I do not want it to be like this. It spoils the whole month. So very many thing makes me wish I could be a little child again. A child in the summertime. Or even an adult in the summer. I wrote last spring that the previous winter had been the worst in my life. I think I'm about to experience something slightly worse in two weeks...
But let's not talk about stuff like that. This is the season of joy, isn't it?
Isn't it?
screens and games
I'm a bit tired actually... And Iv'e been drinking quite a lot of cider and eaten a fair amount of junk food, and so I don't feel that great really. But it's nice to be here still. Played WoW since I got here. Downloaded Stubbs the Zombie, but the crappy game wouldn't work. Hmpf. I think I'll get back to leveling now... only 1 lvl left before I can use my latest spellbook.
Always something to look forward to.
Always something to look forward to.
Short notice
So this friend of mine calls me.
-There is a LAN-party coming up!
-Alright! I think.
-It's in a couple of hours.
-Oh... Well... I'll do it anyway!
-Sry my bad, it's in one hour.
-Holy... Well to hell with sense! I'll join in!
And so there is a guy coming to pick me up momentarily. His name is Damir Mahmutovic fyi.
Ah, it's going to be such an enormous joy to be at a lan again. I've really missed it. When I get my own place, my own life and my own computer I will be a frequent visitor of dreamhack, the worlds largest lan-party ever. Only been there once, but believe me, it's worth the money! The best thing about it is not the games. It's not the file sharing or the pron. It's not the competitions or even the general (and much lovable) mood. And it's not the people either. The great and wondrous thing about dreamhack, or any lan for that matter, is sitting on a chair for days and days, not doing anything relevant what so ever. A true rest for the mind.
-There is a LAN-party coming up!
-Alright! I think.
-It's in a couple of hours.
-Oh... Well... I'll do it anyway!
-Sry my bad, it's in one hour.
-Holy... Well to hell with sense! I'll join in!
And so there is a guy coming to pick me up momentarily. His name is Damir Mahmutovic fyi.
Ah, it's going to be such an enormous joy to be at a lan again. I've really missed it. When I get my own place, my own life and my own computer I will be a frequent visitor of dreamhack, the worlds largest lan-party ever. Only been there once, but believe me, it's worth the money! The best thing about it is not the games. It's not the file sharing or the pron. It's not the competitions or even the general (and much lovable) mood. And it's not the people either. The great and wondrous thing about dreamhack, or any lan for that matter, is sitting on a chair for days and days, not doing anything relevant what so ever. A true rest for the mind.
Chrustmas time
Aah, finally at home again. Just spent a week in the field, in the rain, in the mud and in the cold. I actually thought the nights would be worse... but it was pretty cozy to sleep in a warm tent. Unfortunately I had to get up several times during the night in order to stand sentry or fuel the fire. Sleeping is not to be expected. Especially not if almost 10 people have called in sick so that everything takes more time, and needs more work. Like setting up a camp in the dark. The damned darkness. Clearly a worse problem than the cold.
But now it's only a week left before CHRISTMAS! Yahooo! And then it's only three months left... and then... freedom.
But now it's only a week left before CHRISTMAS! Yahooo! And then it's only three months left... and then... freedom.
My medic training is complete. From now on I'll be out in the field with the rest of the grunts and goons freezing my ass off, and hopefully spending pretty much time in the car. I suspect I'll be sleeping in a tent though... the car will be difficult to keep warm during the nights. The nights... they sure will be cold.
But only two more weeks until chrismas holiday. Three weeks of lovely tasklessness. W00t!
But only two more weeks until chrismas holiday. Three weeks of lovely tasklessness. W00t!
At attention!
You will call me Corporal Ljungström. Oh yes. Promoted and looking fine. Medic school is almost over, only one week to go now. Then it will be living in the bushes. And getting cold. Why does everything has to be so cold? I have made the conclusion that Sweden is a very bad country for the military. In the summer you do everything you can to keep cold. In the winter everything to keep warm. Which gives an assload of different equipment and regulations. Fortunately, the series of military exercises (four to be precise) will be pretty chill since there will be an increased level of realism, therefore not requiring medical services every day. I think we're getting a portable DVD-player in the car. Will be really nice I believe.
Write to write
I seriously have no idea why I'm writing right now. It's late. I should sleep. I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of nicely animated blue flames. Good movie. I then played WoW until now. Got myself a new orc rogue. A fun class.
Aaanyway. Have a good night/day/whatever. Peace out.
Aaanyway. Have a good night/day/whatever. Peace out.
I am currently listening to "Brigde" from Sonic the Hedgehog. I am telling you, Håkan Hellström has performed a so called rip off and totally stolen the melody from this song. Download and listen.
And as you might have guessed, I'm back in my house again. And I'm a bit surprised. The visitor counter still shows 5 hits/day. And I've not written since last sunday. How peculiar. Does this mean my Internet fame is growing? Well, believe me, I'm going to keep writing, so stay tuned until I die. ... Shit, what's going to happen to my blog then? I have to get myself a successor, time is running out! Gaah!
Oh, and apart from the fscking cold weather, being a military medic rocks.
And as you might have guessed, I'm back in my house again. And I'm a bit surprised. The visitor counter still shows 5 hits/day. And I've not written since last sunday. How peculiar. Does this mean my Internet fame is growing? Well, believe me, I'm going to keep writing, so stay tuned until I die. ... Shit, what's going to happen to my blog then? I have to get myself a successor, time is running out! Gaah!
Oh, and apart from the fscking cold weather, being a military medic rocks.
I must share this with you. In swedish though.
I know, I'm writing stuff here all the time right now... May be I miss this place already. Only one hour left, then I'll be on my way. Have to pack some more stuff. See you dudes in a week.
What's that? You worry about forgetting about this blog since I won't be writing for a whole week? Aw, how sweet of you. Well, just download Mozilla Thunderbird and subscribe to my newsfeed. Link at bottom of page. That way you'll get a new mail every time I write :D ... I wonder if that means I won't get visitor counts from those views. OMG DO NOT DO IT!
I know, I'm writing stuff here all the time right now... May be I miss this place already. Only one hour left, then I'll be on my way. Have to pack some more stuff. See you dudes in a week.
What's that? You worry about forgetting about this blog since I won't be writing for a whole week? Aw, how sweet of you. Well, just download Mozilla Thunderbird and subscribe to my newsfeed. Link at bottom of page. That way you'll get a new mail every time I write :D ... I wonder if that means I won't get visitor counts from those views. OMG DO NOT DO IT!
The DOOM comic
Yes, I play a lot of Doom right now. And you should also read the very gory, very bloody, very doomy DOOM comic! My will is strong, my cause is just... and my gun is very, very large.
I love visitors
And I have noticed that there is a spike in the visitor frequency every time I update. How rare, don't you think? So I'm going to try to write more short and completely useless goof-posts, because I love to get visitors :D Or maybe I'm just really tired. I have to get up early tomorrow too. But I get to DRIVE to work! How cool is that? And then, tomorrow evening it's good-bye freedom. Once again.
But the wurk is complete, I will rework the stuff soon and put it up on Swedish Wikipedia. Sharing is caring :)
Oh, and should you be a reglar reader (I actually think I have a few) or just happen to stumble upon this page, won't you please post a comment? Especially if you're from the US or India or Japan or something cool like that. I need confirmation of my internets-fame you know. Yes, I am such an attention-whore...
But the wurk is complete, I will rework the stuff soon and put it up on Swedish Wikipedia. Sharing is caring :)
Oh, and should you be a reglar reader (I actually think I have a few) or just happen to stumble upon this page, won't you please post a comment? Especially if you're from the US or India or Japan or something cool like that. I need confirmation of my internets-fame you know. Yes, I am such an attention-whore...
More wurk
I am aaalmost done with all the crap I had to do during these weeks. Just need to change a couple of things... print a few copys... but all these things take time, and that is time I could have spent playing DOOM! Ya, that marvelous old diamond of a game. I can't believe how much action ID were able to actually put in it. It's a constant blaze of chainguns and shotgund, zombies and demons flying around, blood everywhere! Technically, Doom 3 is bloodier, but Doom feels more raw. The corpses really splatter when killed and then they lay there in all their bloodiness. Not vaporizing in yellow sparks. Hmpfh.
It's the last weekend before going back to the military. It will be nice. I've kinda missed it a bit. Not the early mornings, or the officers... or the cold... or the lack of WoW, but I've missed the pals a bit, and I actually look forward to (I must be insane) going into field next week. I think it will be kind of chill really.
And maybe we group commanders have been promoted to corporals while I was gone... That promotion will rock. We have probably gotten our ceremony uniforms anyway, and I will be going home in that next friday. 19:00, Kungsbacka station, if you want a peek :)
It's the last weekend before going back to the military. It will be nice. I've kinda missed it a bit. Not the early mornings, or the officers... or the cold... or the lack of WoW, but I've missed the pals a bit, and I actually look forward to (I must be insane) going into field next week. I think it will be kind of chill really.
And maybe we group commanders have been promoted to corporals while I was gone... That promotion will rock. We have probably gotten our ceremony uniforms anyway, and I will be going home in that next friday. 19:00, Kungsbacka station, if you want a peek :)
I was supposed to be working today... writing, that is! AndI haven't gotten a thing done! I "could" work tomorrow, but my bro isn't home tomorrow, which gives me unlimited WoW-availability, so guess if I'll be working! Argh! I'm beginning to sink into the wow-swamp once again... Very bad timing! I have to get this shit done, and then I must write another thing too. And this must be done before I go back to the regiment on sunday.
I was supposed to be working today... writing, that is! AndI haven't gotten a thing done! I "could" work tomorrow, but my bro isn't home tomorrow, which gives me unlimited WoW-availability, so guess if I'll be working! Argh! I'm beginning to sink into the wow-swamp once again... Very bad timing! I have to get this shit done, and then I must write another thing too. And this must be done before I go back to the regiment on sunday.
At wurk
Ya, I managed to get hold of a gateway to the internets. But I won't be long. Just writing because I can. Our connection at home is not feeling well at the moment.
Well, back to watching TV, waiting for alarms.
Peace doods.
Well, back to watching TV, waiting for alarms.
Peace doods.
Depressed to hell
Yesterday night sucked beyond belief. I was going in to Gothenburg so see Slagsmålsklubben, a great bitpop band. Now how often do you get the chance to watch that kind of music? At one of the nights I wasn't working late too. But you couldn't buy your tickets in advance, no. You had to be there early. So I got off work a little earlier than normal in order to make it to the train, but when I got there I got to stand in a queue for over an hour, breathing poisonous air and getting cold, just to be let known, along with perhaps 50 other people, that the place is full. Ha fucking ha. I could only go home, notbeingg able to do anything that night. I guess the only good thing was that none of my friends were able to join me, so they didn't have to bedisappointedd too.
I feel alone and I fucking hate it.
I feel alone and I fucking hate it.
A few unusual things have taken place over the last few days. First of all stuff connected to the ambulance. We got a transport of a small child. Only six months old. A pretty little girl. Born without a brain. ... Yes... The strange thing is that she survived birth. The impossible thing is that she is still alive and have several different reflexes. I wonder if she is alive at all. Or if it's just a shell. Seriously... what is life anyway? Does she have a soul? If she does, how is anything experienced? Or maybe it isn't. Well, the answers will probably come, some day. That day, you know.
Either way, her mother can't have an easy life right now.
The second thing was a high-priority call that concerned an unconscious man. Only he was dead. Never seen a dead body before. Both interesting and... well, it felt a bit weird. But I guess it helps to talk about it. But I'm not a talker, so I write. And people from all over the planet reads. And pay attention, cause' it's not every millennium I write stuff like this.
A few, more wordly, but still unusual things then. I was heading home from work yesterday and I accidentally stumbled upon some friends I hadn't seen in a while (one in 18 months). And one asked (partly as a joke) if I was coming with them to Gothenburg to party. And I said yes. We were both surprised. I have never been so impulsive in my entire life, if I remember correctly. But I had a great time.
And right now I'm listening to RAMMSTEINs new album Rosenrot. I just love these guys. So wonderful... Schwulah!
Either way, her mother can't have an easy life right now.
The second thing was a high-priority call that concerned an unconscious man. Only he was dead. Never seen a dead body before. Both interesting and... well, it felt a bit weird. But I guess it helps to talk about it. But I'm not a talker, so I write. And people from all over the planet reads. And pay attention, cause' it's not every millennium I write stuff like this.
A few, more wordly, but still unusual things then. I was heading home from work yesterday and I accidentally stumbled upon some friends I hadn't seen in a while (one in 18 months). And one asked (partly as a joke) if I was coming with them to Gothenburg to party. And I said yes. We were both surprised. I have never been so impulsive in my entire life, if I remember correctly. But I had a great time.
And right now I'm listening to RAMMSTEINs new album Rosenrot. I just love these guys. So wonderful... Schwulah!
Tomorrow is also a relative word
Ok, so haven't really had time to write since the last post. Anyway, here goes:
Day 1 - Arrived, got some clothes, went away almost immediately to pick up a sick old man and transport him to the hospital. Not before long a second call came in... I think it was another transport. Then we picked up a guy who had cut himself in the wrist with a dazzingly sharp knife, and then we responded to an old lady who had fallen and needed transport. Ya, that was pretty much day 1.
Day 2 - nothing happened for almost 5 hours... I mainly watched TV during that time. Then I jumped on an ambulance with another coulple of guys that I don't usually ride with just to get something to do. After having dropped a girl with a strange allergic reaction at the hospital we got a priotity-1-call. A traffic accident. Frontal hit in 70 km/h, and so the cars were pretty much junk. But the people seemed to have managed quite alright. Unfortunately I had failed to put my overalls in this car, so I couldn't go out in the rain without getting seriously cold... so I stayed in the vehicle. A pity really. But "hopefully" there will be more chances.
IN OTHER NEWS: Watched Land of the dead. Nice movie. Very gory. The counter at the bottom of the sidebar to the right of this page just hit 200. I'm internet famous! I also made a small iso-drawing. "Jag vill bo/i en iPod/Annars får jag kramp!"
Day 1 - Arrived, got some clothes, went away almost immediately to pick up a sick old man and transport him to the hospital. Not before long a second call came in... I think it was another transport. Then we picked up a guy who had cut himself in the wrist with a dazzingly sharp knife, and then we responded to an old lady who had fallen and needed transport. Ya, that was pretty much day 1.
Day 2 - nothing happened for almost 5 hours... I mainly watched TV during that time. Then I jumped on an ambulance with another coulple of guys that I don't usually ride with just to get something to do. After having dropped a girl with a strange allergic reaction at the hospital we got a priotity-1-call. A traffic accident. Frontal hit in 70 km/h, and so the cars were pretty much junk. But the people seemed to have managed quite alright. Unfortunately I had failed to put my overalls in this car, so I couldn't go out in the rain without getting seriously cold... so I stayed in the vehicle. A pity really. But "hopefully" there will be more chances.
IN OTHER NEWS: Watched Land of the dead. Nice movie. Very gory. The counter at the bottom of the sidebar to the right of this page just hit 200. I'm internet famous! I also made a small iso-drawing. "Jag vill bo/i en iPod/Annars får jag kramp!"
Tomorrow is the day
Well, well. Maybe you thoght I missed this weekends blog post? I did none of the sort. My weekend ends today you see. Tomorrow is my first day at the ambulance. Tomorrow... I must admit I'm getting a little tense... And also a little grumpy since I won't be able to sleep for as long as I want in the morning... for TWO days! (omg omg...)
I have bought a new game. Killer7. Yes... the very one. You need not worry though, the game was well worth the money. The graphic style is fantastic, as well as the boundaries that does not exist. Litterary everything the creators could think of couold be put in, and I believe most of it did too. A mad scientist contolled by his own afro hair? Two japanese buissnesmen with their heads blown open tossing pieces of brain at you? An army of laughing suicidal bomb monsters? Exactly.
I have also made pixel art of my iPod and my dream, the nintendo revolution. Check them out at my DA-page.
I shall give you a day of a medic tomorrow. Until then.
I have bought a new game. Killer7. Yes... the very one. You need not worry though, the game was well worth the money. The graphic style is fantastic, as well as the boundaries that does not exist. Litterary everything the creators could think of couold be put in, and I believe most of it did too. A mad scientist contolled by his own afro hair? Two japanese buissnesmen with their heads blown open tossing pieces of brain at you? An army of laughing suicidal bomb monsters? Exactly.
I have also made pixel art of my iPod and my dream, the nintendo revolution. Check them out at my DA-page.
I shall give you a day of a medic tomorrow. Until then.
Dance I like. Unfortunately there are very few places in Skövde where you can manage to do that. At least when I'm there. And the places that do exist play very, very bad music. Not a House as far as the ear can hear (heh, that sounded nice).
Anyway, only a single week left now, then I'll be home for four glorious weeks. Can't wait!
This weekend has been quite short unfortunately, this because of me going home on saturday, since this was the day of the Regiment, as you know if you read my latest post. The way was quite alright though, the combat show was cool... you got shotguns and rifles and machineguns... and tanks and combat vehicles... and I finally got to sit in my armored ambulance. Havn't been in it once before this day actually... and I'm going to spend large parts of the winter in it. And that's going to be warm and nice. Not cold. Not like recon...
Anyway, only a single week left now, then I'll be home for four glorious weeks. Can't wait!
This weekend has been quite short unfortunately, this because of me going home on saturday, since this was the day of the Regiment, as you know if you read my latest post. The way was quite alright though, the combat show was cool... you got shotguns and rifles and machineguns... and tanks and combat vehicles... and I finally got to sit in my armored ambulance. Havn't been in it once before this day actually... and I'm going to spend large parts of the winter in it. And that's going to be warm and nice. Not cold. Not like recon...
Especially those of Lucasarts. The best of all is in my opinion Grim Fandango, but you never know what will happen when I get to play all the others. Just completed Maniac Mansion (a classic indeed). With a walkthrough though... I won't have time to play all the games for real... especially when I get to play once a week... I wouldn't remember what I had done either. I should be able to do a few of them the proper way though... I got through Full Throttle and Grim, even though that was pretty far ago, but Indy 4 and Day of the Tentacle will probably be given the honor. And Sam and Max hit the road as well.
Anyway... off to another week. Only two weeks left before my ambulance practice period. It will be awesome.
Oh, and this saturday is the day of the Regiment at P4. That means you can come visit the garrison and watch tanks and other stuff shooting, check the facilities out and see what we're actually doing. The only cost is that of food. If you got time and measures of travel, come visit! ... That's an order!
Anyway... off to another week. Only two weeks left before my ambulance practice period. It will be awesome.
Oh, and this saturday is the day of the Regiment at P4. That means you can come visit the garrison and watch tanks and other stuff shooting, check the facilities out and see what we're actually doing. The only cost is that of food. If you got time and measures of travel, come visit! ... That's an order!
Probably a cool shooter with bullet time effects and a small japanese-style phycho-creepy girl with black hair. But if I want fear I go to Resident Evil for the Gamecube. Never been more afraid. Speaking of RE, Resident Efvul 4 is damned hard in pro-mode. The first village where you get to meet Mr. Chainsaw took me since yesterday to complete. I hope I'll get something relly nifty when I complete it again.
More scary stuff will be experienced tonight as a small celebration of having a free monday this weekend. Dark Water, the latest version. I shuld probably get to see the one from a few years ago... I heard it's really scary.
Not so scary: Charlie and the chocolate factory. Tim Burton rules.
And I have to link this, if you havn't already seen it.
More scary stuff will be experienced tonight as a small celebration of having a free monday this weekend. Dark Water, the latest version. I shuld probably get to see the one from a few years ago... I heard it's really scary.
Not so scary: Charlie and the chocolate factory. Tim Burton rules.
And I have to link this, if you havn't already seen it.
Yea, this post will be about sweat. Before this summer I had never been sweating so much that you could see it on the outside of my shirt. Not even when I was exercising really hard or playing football or anything. The military changed it all. The first experience was when we used the full combat gear for the first time. This includes a sort of body armor that protects from shrapnel and is made of thick fiber plates all over your body. It does not breathe well. More like a plastic bag. So the sweat went through the shirt, through the armor, and was visible on the jacket. Not the vest though, that would've been bad. From that moment I've been sweating more than I ever have before. When running, at the gym and so on... Why can't they just be like other people?
This has also caused me to love water more than any drink since that's the only thing you bring when in the field, and since you drink all the time to keep up with the sweat.
And I have a new haircut!
U.S. Army style, I know, but you do look kind of tough, dont you?
This has also caused me to love water more than any drink since that's the only thing you bring when in the field, and since you drink all the time to keep up with the sweat.

U.S. Army style, I know, but you do look kind of tough, dont you?
How time flies...
Well well... another week has passed and the miltary machinery goes on as usual. It's not that I'm bored... I think. It's just that I don't see too much point to it. I'm prety sure we won't go to war, and I won't be going on one of the abroad missions either. I am learning advanced first aid though... but it's so much therory now, and knowing that the blood vein in the throat is called arteria carotis in latin isn't going to save many lives. It'll probably get better when we get more practical exrercises and I get to ride and assist on an actual ambulance for four weeks.
But I shouldn't complain. At least I don't have to sleep in a tent. Not until after christmas (three weeks of freedom!) when it will be cold and... eew... The upside to that is that I will be riding in the big, bad and awesome armored terrain vehicle Patgb203 which has AC, CD-stereo, PA-system... and loads of armor. Not like the CV 90 or Strv 122... but still.
But I shouldn't complain. At least I don't have to sleep in a tent. Not until after christmas (three weeks of freedom!) when it will be cold and... eew... The upside to that is that I will be riding in the big, bad and awesome armored terrain vehicle Patgb203 which has AC, CD-stereo, PA-system... and loads of armor. Not like the CV 90 or Strv 122... but still.
My medic school has started. Quite interesting from time to time. This weekend turned out a little different from what I expected... I will do some serious chilling next week and weekend.
Also, download Starscape. Asteroids meets Freespace, and it's wonderful. Lovely graphics too.
Guess that's about it. See y'all next week.
Also, download Starscape. Asteroids meets Freespace, and it's wonderful. Lovely graphics too.
Guess that's about it. See y'all next week.
Days of tranquillity
I've been meaning to write an entry all week, but not much has happened, really. I've been lulling around the house, playing some WoW (with a new cuddly Tauren hunter), surfing the internets, and just taking it slow. I did do a couple of really neat stuff on the monday though, first I managed to get to the post office to pick up my drivers licence (the actual card that's been waiting for me for two months), and I bought a game. But not just any game. No, it's a post nuclear role playing game. That's right. Fallout. I've played Fallout 2 quite a bit (never completed though) and I've decided that the first game (which is just as ridiculously sweet) must be completed before I take yet another try at number two, this time, maybe I'll make it.
Since they are long time-craving RPGs thougth, I probably won't have time for them until next summer. Drat.
In other news, Google's got me all warm and fuzzy again. Google Talk (which apparently has the best sound quality of all VoIP-systems out there), not as complete as other VoIP/IM-applications, but it's been out 2 days in beta, so I recon there is more to come. And Google Desktop 2.0. I like it in my current situation, but won't probably use the sidebar (though it's filled with many cool things, and is not as occupying as you might think) when I get my own clean, swift and pure computer. The desktop gets kind of messy, you know. Buying that copmputer will also take place sometime next summer.
I kind of want the next summer to be here now.
Since they are long time-craving RPGs thougth, I probably won't have time for them until next summer. Drat.
In other news, Google's got me all warm and fuzzy again. Google Talk (which apparently has the best sound quality of all VoIP-systems out there), not as complete as other VoIP/IM-applications, but it's been out 2 days in beta, so I recon there is more to come. And Google Desktop 2.0. I like it in my current situation, but won't probably use the sidebar (though it's filled with many cool things, and is not as occupying as you might think) when I get my own clean, swift and pure computer. The desktop gets kind of messy, you know. Buying that copmputer will also take place sometime next summer.
I kind of want the next summer to be here now.
I hope that's short for rest and relaxation, because that's what lies ahead of me now. For an antire week. Last wednesday we marched out to a small group of buildings (where urban combat is practised I presume) where our beloved beret-test took place. We marched and we worked and we ate a little and worked even more and got a little more food and then one or maybe two hours of sleep before we were dragged up again to march/run through the night, finding our way with a compass and a map. That's not easy in the dark with only a flashlight. The estimated length of the whole test was approx. 32 km. However, with all our mistakes and moment of disorientation we probably landed at 40-45 km. With combat gear and a heavy backpack, yes. Arriving finally at the goal at 0700, we were quite tired. Fortunately this kind of task, short but intense, is much faster to recover from than long exhausting ones.
I'm planning to see Land of the Dead soon, but first I have to watch Dawn and Day of the Dead... I've only seen the 2004 version... not good (though the movie was).
Mike, my cellphone is miserably fucked up. Call me on my home numer or send me a mail or something, we do need to meet before I disappear again.
And finally, Lars, your new site is supposed to go up in 10 minutes. I'll be watching!
Edit: Ok, make that 1 hour and 10 minutes...
I'm planning to see Land of the Dead soon, but first I have to watch Dawn and Day of the Dead... I've only seen the 2004 version... not good (though the movie was).
Mike, my cellphone is miserably fucked up. Call me on my home numer or send me a mail or something, we do need to meet before I disappear again.
And finally, Lars, your new site is supposed to go up in 10 minutes. I'll be watching!
Edit: Ok, make that 1 hour and 10 minutes...
Six weeks have now passed. I think I'm starting to get used to the shit. Last week we practiced combat so I fired off a lot of blanks in the forest while running around and screaming commands. An ok week, concidering we marched 8km a day all three combat days. Hopefully the beret-test (or whatever it would be called in english) will be a little easier now. Two weeks left til that.
Speaking of shooting, firing a real gun is so totaly different from everything we learn in games (surprise). As an example i shot off 20 rounds from a distance of 20m (not long at all) in full auto from the hip and I hit 1 shot. A lucky one. No wonder all the guards in movies that run around shooting like maniacs with their automatic rifles never hits the hero...
I think we'll get to try out some anti-tank shots (think bazooka) and machine guns soon... and throw live hand grenades, yay!
Speaking of shooting, firing a real gun is so totaly different from everything we learn in games (surprise). As an example i shot off 20 rounds from a distance of 20m (not long at all) in full auto from the hip and I hit 1 shot. A lucky one. No wonder all the guards in movies that run around shooting like maniacs with their automatic rifles never hits the hero...
I think we'll get to try out some anti-tank shots (think bazooka) and machine guns soon... and throw live hand grenades, yay!
Kind of tired now
Home once again. And I'm tired. Don't expect I'll be doing that much this weekend. I should probably get some rest since I'm going into field next week. Hopefully it'll be fun to try some shooting with blanks and laying down mines and stuff... I just want this damned basic soldier education to be over.
At last... If I hadn't been able to go home this weekend I might not have been able to go on. These first two weeks have been hard. Quite hard actually. I hope I get more used to it soon. One of the biggest problems is keeping up to date with stuff. Especially blogs and webcomics.
WTF? A sudden power surge/blackout-thing... luckily my computer didn't shut down. Just went black for a couple of seconds. Anyway...
My feet are really soar. Having to march and run around with bags and combat gear in hard leather boots is not the primary definition of taking good care of feet. The bastards didn't even tell us of the awesome bandages that you can put on your feet to prevent wounds until the SECOND day of marching. And at that time it was too late. My heels bled. But they're starting to heal now at last...
WTF? A sudden power surge/blackout-thing... luckily my computer didn't shut down. Just went black for a couple of seconds. Anyway...
My feet are really soar. Having to march and run around with bags and combat gear in hard leather boots is not the primary definition of taking good care of feet. The bastards didn't even tell us of the awesome bandages that you can put on your feet to prevent wounds until the SECOND day of marching. And at that time it was too late. My heels bled. But they're starting to heal now at last...
Mmmmm, candy!
lo everyone.
The title comes entirely from the fact that I'm chewing down on a whole package of M&Ms. And they're tasty!
This is the last post I will make as a civilian in almost a year. That's right, tomorrow is the day I join the military forces. If everything goes as planned (which it should now that I have my drivers license and all) I'll be serving as a medic. Which feels kind of cool to say in english :) Hopefully it won't be too hard on my less-than-strongest-in-the-world muscles. But meh, I'll live. I guess. The fact that the largets section of the informative booklet I got sent to me was abut the consequenses of death in service is not the most reassuring in the world.
Either way, it'll sure be an experience. I got together with some friends last night and played some games and poker and stuff... a couple of hours ago a guy called me and asked if I was coming tonight too. I'm not sure wether I should suspect anything... I actually wouldn't mind too much being abducted and brought to a place where alcohol is part of the main focus... But, you can only hope. Will probably be nice no matter what.
It came to my mind that I'll have a horrible time keeping up to date with stuff. Such as hte webcomics that update 5 times a week. And all the slashdot news... The weekends will be times of recap it seems.
The title comes entirely from the fact that I'm chewing down on a whole package of M&Ms. And they're tasty!
This is the last post I will make as a civilian in almost a year. That's right, tomorrow is the day I join the military forces. If everything goes as planned (which it should now that I have my drivers license and all) I'll be serving as a medic. Which feels kind of cool to say in english :) Hopefully it won't be too hard on my less-than-strongest-in-the-world muscles. But meh, I'll live. I guess. The fact that the largets section of the informative booklet I got sent to me was abut the consequenses of death in service is not the most reassuring in the world.
Either way, it'll sure be an experience. I got together with some friends last night and played some games and poker and stuff... a couple of hours ago a guy called me and asked if I was coming tonight too. I'm not sure wether I should suspect anything... I actually wouldn't mind too much being abducted and brought to a place where alcohol is part of the main focus... But, you can only hope. Will probably be nice no matter what.
It came to my mind that I'll have a horrible time keeping up to date with stuff. Such as hte webcomics that update 5 times a week. And all the slashdot news... The weekends will be times of recap it seems.
Feed me!
It won't stop eating! And no, it's not a giant singing carnivorous plant, it's a completely adorable, small white baby... and it's all mine! I keep feeding it with everything I got, but it just keeps going... oh, how I love my dear little Poddie. 4 Gb of possibilities, and really comfortable ear phones too! But most of all... it's beautiful. Slick and slim with white details shining through the silver shell and a deep blue glowing display that lights up my darkest nights.
I know, it's easy to get all poetic about an iPod mini.
In other great news, it's no longer legal for the Swedish anitpiracybureau (still hacked site) to log IP numbers, which effectivly removes their foremost weapon against freedom and justice. A great day for the pirates of the north indeed!
I know, it's easy to get all poetic about an iPod mini.
In other great news, it's no longer legal for the Swedish anitpiracybureau (still hacked site) to log IP numbers, which effectivly removes their foremost weapon against freedom and justice. A great day for the pirates of the north indeed!
Never rest
Graduated last Friday. I so completely owns! I was also so completely drunk. From 8 in the morning to 2 in the following morning. Easily a personal record. And it was magnificently fun the whole day! I drowned in flowers. The next day however I got all depressed when I came to think of all the people I won't be meeting anymore. Then I logged into wow and I felt fine again :D The truth was that I wasn't entirely done with the school after all. I had to go back the following week to correct a mistake with my grades, which, when corrected, landed at a nifty 17,7 (where 20,0 is max). I'm all proud!
In other news I'm trying to get my drivers license. I think I'll make it. Next Tuesday we will know...
Now, off to tha grill parthay! (Or barbecue... or, you know, whatever...)
In other news I'm trying to get my drivers license. I think I'll make it. Next Tuesday we will know...
Now, off to tha grill parthay! (Or barbecue... or, you know, whatever...)
Arrived at school at ) AM today. Damned early. The reason was this: a sinister practical joke to celebrate our tree years at our high school, and since the grades are already set, and we graduate tomorrow (TO-FREAKING-MORROW!!) we concidered it pretty safe. Having bought 1500 (yes, you read correctly) balloons we spent the morning filling them with air, causing about 200 to blow up in the process. Having left a few behind we managed to get all the balloons (aprox. 1000) down from the fourth floor to the first, and there we flooded the head master's office with them. Then we literally sat back and watched the show. Our dear spanish teacher Cindia completely freaked out and screamed loudly when the balloons popped as she crawled through them to get to her laptop. We laughed. The big bad fish of the school (and I mean big), Torbjörn took it with ease and let most of the balloons flow out through the door as he opened it. We laughed. Several other teachers and students walked by and laughed. So did we. I think this is pretty much the best joke ever oulled at this school, even though it could have gone slightly smoother. But what the heck, it was fun, really fun!
Oh please do download System of a Down's Mezmerize. It's easily the album of the year so far. Can't wait til they release part 2, Hypnotize, later this year...
I might write something on saturday again, tomorrow will be... well, let's just say I wont have much time. At all.
Peace out!
Oh please do download System of a Down's Mezmerize. It's easily the album of the year so far. Can't wait til they release part 2, Hypnotize, later this year...
I might write something on saturday again, tomorrow will be... well, let's just say I wont have much time. At all.
Peace out!
This is just a short promotional post.
Tidevarv - a great Black Metl act from Sweden, check them out! They're cool guys too, so support them with words and cash (if they get that system running) if you happen to find the music to your liking.
For a sound piracy, and a just digital world.
Tidevarv - a great Black Metl act from Sweden, check them out! They're cool guys too, so support them with words and cash (if they get that system running) if you happen to find the music to your liking.
For a sound piracy, and a just digital world.
Kind of retro
Recently finished one of the great games of all time: Full Throttle. So completely wonderful. Lucas Arts at it's finest. Too bad no one makes adventure games anymore. So in order to compensate I'm now playing Monkey Island 2. We played through the first one in school (yes, all we have been doing is playing games), blowing up the evil LeChuck with the devilspawn drink of d00m: Root Beer! So now I'm trying to find the treasure Big Whoop. And I'm already stuck.
In the stock market!
Yes, it's true what you have heard! I have entered the stock market with my blog! Well, actually it's more like a game, and it's called blogshares. The blogs are like industries, and you buy and sell shares. More links to the blog means more value. So if you happen to have a blog in blogshares, we could always link each other. Let's call it partners in crime!
Another day after!
I was NOT in school today. And this for a very understandable reason: Paaaarthay! Last night, that is. It was actually the school that organized the whole thing, four schools (that are all part of sort of a group) were present, but the fun did start before that. After having completed my theoretical test for my drivers licence (w00t) I raced home and changed to my tux (which is my grandfathers, so I got away cheap, again) and then hurried my smartly-dressed ass to the bus that took me to school (believe it or not) where I met up with the d00dz, and we all went by car down to the city where the party would take place, which is also the city where the total abstainer of our class lives, who was also the person in whose house we were going to have a pre-party. That was a long sentence. Either way it was really nice, and a well needed warm up since the alcohol at the party was EXPENSIVE. But I did manage to get quite drunk and completely freak out on the dance floor, which was really fun.
All in all, this was also a very enjoyable night. And I think it was good, for everyone involved, that I didn't get up until 11 o' clock this morning.
And now for something completely different: System of a Down's latest album, Mesmerize, is ridiculously good. Leech plz! And then buy! The grinding mixed with the wonderful harmonics is just so great and original you'd be a fool not to listen, at least once.
All in all, this was also a very enjoyable night. And I think it was good, for everyone involved, that I didn't get up until 11 o' clock this morning.
And now for something completely different: System of a Down's latest album, Mesmerize, is ridiculously good. Leech plz! And then buy! The grinding mixed with the wonderful harmonics is just so great and original you'd be a fool not to listen, at least once.
It has been quite some time now since I had a completely free weekend. Always something to do. Well, if I can manage to get past this hellish working period of d00m I think I might just be in the clear. Then maybe I'll get time to work out.
Starting Wednesday I'll be so criminal. Before I've been performing illegal acts by sharing files, now it will become illegal to download them (music) as well. Estimated effect on piracy in Sweden: none. Keep it free!
Dark chocolate and metal is a blessing. Especially when you play Prince of Persia (Amiga). But how the heck are you supposed to be able to finish the game in under 60 minutes? It's not as easy as I thought it would be. But hold on my beloved princess, I'm coming!
Starting Wednesday I'll be so criminal. Before I've been performing illegal acts by sharing files, now it will become illegal to download them (music) as well. Estimated effect on piracy in Sweden: none. Keep it free!
Dark chocolate and metal is a blessing. Especially when you play Prince of Persia (Amiga). But how the heck are you supposed to be able to finish the game in under 60 minutes? It's not as easy as I thought it would be. But hold on my beloved princess, I'm coming!
The day(s) after
First up: a recap of the prom night last Friday. Loads of people had gathered in a park in the city before the busses left. And I mean loads. Tuxedos and dresses everywhere! I myself wore a quite sharp one that was my grandfathers (quite cool that too). That move saved me about 700-1000 kr (the ticket only cost 500). When we arrived at the hall a few hours later we were offered a drink before the dinner. Ah, the dinner. The food was marvelous. And you got some free alcoholic beverages too! It wasn't quite enough though, so when the bar opened later you were either standing waiting for the bartender to take your order or going completely crazy on the dance floor. These two were not entirely unrelated.
All in all a very enjoyable night.
Now I have work to do (surprise!). And I completed Resident Evil 4! Such an awesome game. And now I've got all the extra games to complete! Weee!
All in all a very enjoyable night.
Now I have work to do (surprise!). And I completed Resident Evil 4! Such an awesome game. And now I've got all the extra games to complete! Weee!
RixHack: First morning
Goood morning everyone! Fanally got some much needed sleep, about 7 hours. Now I'm all fired up again and ready to go, a few sandwiches and cokes is all you need in the morning! We're about to play this new game called Pariah, looks lika a halo/half-life kind of game at first look, and that's not too shabby. You could have worse influences. But then again, it is another FPS and we have seen it before. I wonder what new detail this game has that makes the producers claim the game takes gaming to a new level...
If you want to hear the music played here on RixHack you can go to www.playdio.se and listen to the webradio, they're broadcasting live fom here, 24 hours a day.
If you want to hear the music played here on RixHack you can go to www.playdio.se and listen to the webradio, they're broadcasting live fom here, 24 hours a day.
RixHack: ??
I have completely lost track of time... I'm just playing and leeching all I can. Or something... Anyway, it's really fun so peace out and I'll see you later. I'll probably get some sleep too tonight. Probably...
RixHack: A second beginning
Ya, it's the beginning of the second day. More exactly 6 o' clock in the morning on the Friday. Left is the whole of Friday, a night, the whole of Saturday and one last night. I'm hungry again. Unfortunately the webcam is behaving strangely, so I can't post another picture... When the lights go back on in the Sunday morning I'll give you one of exhaustion though.
So what have I been doing so far? Playing WoW. Leeched a few games and movies. Played more WoW. Played Achtung die Kurve. And some WoW. And eating a little. No sleep though. That will, however, most likely come by itself soon, though hopefully not on the keyboard. Embarrassing...
So what have I been doing so far? Playing WoW. Leeched a few games and movies. Played more WoW. Played Achtung die Kurve. And some WoW. And eating a little. No sleep though. That will, however, most likely come by itself soon, though hopefully not on the keyboard. Embarrassing...
RixHack: I'm here!
Ok, so I'm only three hours late with the promised post, but I can assure you, I just got my computer started. Arriving at 11:30 we waited at the wrong entrance until we found the queue where we stood for another hour and a half before they started letting people in. Finally, after a long wait, we got in, and I managed to set me up da computer and get network problems. But it works now. And I'm hungry, so I think I'll go grab something to eat. Peace out, and see you later!

Tonight is the night! The night before I leave for good. Or... at least for four beautiful days. I shall spend then in Gothenburd together with approx. 2000 other geeks sitting at my computer grabbing warez and playing games. Or rather game - wow.
I'll be bringing my webcam, and shall (if I can remember) take pictures to show the slow, but steady fall of the lan geek from a fresh and eager dude to a dead tired zombie. First pic here:
I'll be bringing my webcam, and shall (if I can remember) take pictures to show the slow, but steady fall of the lan geek from a fresh and eager dude to a dead tired zombie. First pic here:

Note the newly shaved freshness.
Now, the beauty of a LAN party like this is not playing games, or spending time with friends, or even grabbing sick amounts of corrupt software, but sitting in a place for four days and do absolutely nothing. I just love it!
Ok, tune in tomorrow (or technically today, if you live in Sweden or any country between here and the date line) at about 13:00 GMT+2 for more news.
Bye for a while
Just thought I'd make a quick entry concerning this weekend since I won't be able to access the Internet for three days (OMG I will perish into emptyness of d00m!!). This is not, as you might think, because of crappy ISP, but because of a trip to Jönköping with my nice but slightly, very unfocused group of confirmands. I do hope it will be a cool camp.
I am also having this argument with a 12-year old (at least that's what he claims to be) at this community about piracy. I am, of course, completely running him over, and for the sole purpose of provocation I changed my avatar to this:
I havn't heard from him all day, and I know he's been online. Hehe.
One of the mistakes he made was not just comparing software with a car (why does everybody use a car as an example?), but that he was against the piracy of music, which is the easiest to defend, since this is where most of the trying-and-buying (downloading for evaluation) takes place. And I also have very solid proof that it works (myself).
I'll probably get into buying games and movies too, but they're quite expensive when you compare.
I am also having this argument with a 12-year old (at least that's what he claims to be) at this community about piracy. I am, of course, completely running him over, and for the sole purpose of provocation I changed my avatar to this:
I havn't heard from him all day, and I know he's been online. Hehe.
One of the mistakes he made was not just comparing software with a car (why does everybody use a car as an example?), but that he was against the piracy of music, which is the easiest to defend, since this is where most of the trying-and-buying (downloading for evaluation) takes place. And I also have very solid proof that it works (myself).
I'll probably get into buying games and movies too, but they're quite expensive when you compare.
Sweet music
I just placed an order of four very promising records: Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Monster Magnet and Haunted. Note that I leeched three of these, and after hearing how swell they sounded, decided to buy their records. "Piracy is bad for the music industry, whine, whine..." stfu plz.
Maybe I should buy this new Weezer album too... they don't sound too bad. I do need some proper rock between the industrial metal and the hardcore techno.
I managed to get this (klick "fun") to work today. Really proud! (: <-- yes, that is a backward smiley!
My neck hurts. All stiff. Hope it gets better til tomorrow which is my FREE DAY (aka the day WoW took over).
Maybe I should buy this new Weezer album too... they don't sound too bad. I do need some proper rock between the industrial metal and the hardcore techno.
I managed to get this (klick "fun") to work today. Really proud! (: <-- yes, that is a backward smiley!
My neck hurts. All stiff. Hope it gets better til tomorrow which is my FREE DAY (aka the day WoW took over).
Dum-dadum clap! taka-taka-taka pow! pow! pow! clap clap! Ta-tam-ta-tam cla-cla-clap! Bof Bof Bof, booooom! Tapatapatapa... pow! pow! pow! clap! Tadum-dum bom! Bo-bo-bo boomh, pak! pak! pak! Clap!
Pant... pant...
Pant... pant...
Reeeally close now
It is now exactly 1 hour and 3 minutes until it is officially my birthday (happy birthday to mee)! I did have some sort of party with some family yesterday, which was kind of nice, the cake was good. I did recieve Metallicas Ride the Lightning from the Blomqvist family (peace doodz) which is not bad at all. All the band members got long curly hair, but the music is good. To be honest, I am actually hoping to get Donkey Kong Jungle Beat tomorrow... otherwise I'll have to buy it. It just seems so ridiculously funny. And another set of bongos will enable further bongo-battling in DKonga... bongo on!
No sugar without some sulfuric acid though... tomorrow is also the day I have a pysics exam. Bleeeh. I sure do want to get out of this place. Military service will be a joy, no matter how hard, and despite all the games and stuff I'll be missing. Set meee... freee... (Meat Beat Manifesto - Prime Audio Soup).
I have also started playing some old cool Amiga games. Please use this emulator. If you really can't find the kickstart ROM 1.3 (it's not exactly legal, but it's out there) contact me and I just might set you up. There is also this torrent, it's called Amiga Classix 4 and features the emulator and quite a few game and configs. You can of course add your downloaded .adf files to the collection.
My fscking windows machine has been "downloading updates (0%)" all day. If it leeches bandwith without making progress I might just kill someone. Something. Yeah... something. Like a computer or so... Like one with M$ Windows installed...
No sugar without some sulfuric acid though... tomorrow is also the day I have a pysics exam. Bleeeh. I sure do want to get out of this place. Military service will be a joy, no matter how hard, and despite all the games and stuff I'll be missing. Set meee... freee... (Meat Beat Manifesto - Prime Audio Soup).
I have also started playing some old cool Amiga games. Please use this emulator. If you really can't find the kickstart ROM 1.3 (it's not exactly legal, but it's out there) contact me and I just might set you up. There is also this torrent, it's called Amiga Classix 4 and features the emulator and quite a few game and configs. You can of course add your downloaded .adf files to the collection.
My fscking windows machine has been "downloading updates (0%)" all day. If it leeches bandwith without making progress I might just kill someone. Something. Yeah... something. Like a computer or so... Like one with M$ Windows installed...
I am trying to learn how to use Macromedia Flash right now. It's quite fun. I did however Stumble upon a really awesome flash site, and I realized It's going to take a while before I'll be able to do something like that... Anyway, the reason for learning Flash is not just for fun, I'm going to do this project thing for school, a website for the world known video game company Pixel Polygon Studios. So far it consists of me. I'll post links and stuff when I'm done. In like a month or so.
Downloaded Sin City a couple of nights ago... only seen the trailers so far, but I'm going to watch the whole shubadoo this weekend probably. If I can manage to get my sister out of my room... she constantly wants to use the computer for chatting. Use a phone...
Alan is really cool.
Downloaded Sin City a couple of nights ago... only seen the trailers so far, but I'm going to watch the whole shubadoo this weekend probably. If I can manage to get my sister out of my room... she constantly wants to use the computer for chatting. Use a phone...
Alan is really cool.
Good and bad
Well, so here I am again. Writing late at night. I recently started playing the old Black and White game and it's still fun. I'm trying my best to be a really good god, but that's not easy. People are much more impressed by fireballs that magic rain clouds. Which is true in our world too. If God did cast fireballs he would probably get many more believers, but it wouldn't be very nice of him, would it? Besides, it would erase the choice to belive, since you get proof.
I had this wierd dream last night... I dreamt I ate a huge mashmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone. My mouth was all dry... eiach...
I had this wierd dream last night... I dreamt I ate a huge mashmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone. My mouth was all dry... eiach...
Ork is one swedish word that has no good english translation. "Jag orkar inte" becomes something like "I don't have the energy to", which is far too long to say if you're tired and don't ork. So then you simply type "orka".
Today, or rather this week, I have not been orking much at all. I have a ridiculous chemistry test tomorrow and I havn't studied a bit. Am I going to fail? Most certainly. Do I care? No. I don't even care if I fail the whole course... it's not like I need advanced chemistry in order to design computer games. Unless I'm going to do it really, really realistic. But too much realism is not fun.
That music I told you about the other day landed at 1202 tracks with a total playtime of 73 hours, 42 minutes and 50 seconds.
Watch this and laugh.
Today, or rather this week, I have not been orking much at all. I have a ridiculous chemistry test tomorrow and I havn't studied a bit. Am I going to fail? Most certainly. Do I care? No. I don't even care if I fail the whole course... it's not like I need advanced chemistry in order to design computer games. Unless I'm going to do it really, really realistic. But too much realism is not fun.
That music I told you about the other day landed at 1202 tracks with a total playtime of 73 hours, 42 minutes and 50 seconds.
Watch this and laugh.
This will be a short post
Currently downloading: ~1250 mp3 files. ReMixed video game music. Ahh... the wonderful tunes... I almost forgot how much I like this shit. So go there, and download! Downloooooad! Waaaaaaaarghh!
And if not, check this site out (self-promotion-warning): ichtys.deviantart.com.
G'night y'all.
And if not, check this site out (self-promotion-warning): ichtys.deviantart.com.
G'night y'all.
I'm melting!
Good morning.
The sun is shining on me and I am supposed to be working. Blargh. Well, the sweet tunes of Dark Tranquility can at least help me with parts of it.
I think my connection is stable now. I had to format my drive to get rid of the virus(es), nothing happened when you pressed ctrl+alt+del... and that's bad. It is probably only a matter of time though before my sister downloads a smiley-central mega plugin for IE or something and the computer gets crammed with spyware again. Maybe one should get a firewall or something... meh.
O well, of to do the Flash.
The sun is shining on me and I am supposed to be working. Blargh. Well, the sweet tunes of Dark Tranquility can at least help me with parts of it.
I think my connection is stable now. I had to format my drive to get rid of the virus(es), nothing happened when you pressed ctrl+alt+del... and that's bad. It is probably only a matter of time though before my sister downloads a smiley-central mega plugin for IE or something and the computer gets crammed with spyware again. Maybe one should get a firewall or something... meh.
O well, of to do the Flash.
I hate computers
Yes. It's true. I am about to dedicate my life (or at least some part of it) to using crappy pieces of technology that breaks down on me unabling me to work and do cool creative stuff. Well, sometimes they work, but don't count on it. The reason for the fury is that I'm going to have to format my computer... again. If I encounter more problems during this process I might kill someone.
Anyway... only two weeks until it's half-time. After that I will be free every tuseday. It will be so great... And the tickets for RixHack is booked. A ~2000-people LAN in Gothenburg. It's the 5-8 of may, so if you are available, join us (cost: max 500kr)!
Anyway... only two weeks until it's half-time. After that I will be free every tuseday. It will be so great... And the tickets for RixHack is booked. A ~2000-people LAN in Gothenburg. It's the 5-8 of may, so if you are available, join us (cost: max 500kr)!
The end
This is, the end of all hope!
Well, it's the end of the holiday. School tomorrow. I have decided that I will now be entering a period of work. I shall work, I shall finish and I shall prevail. After that I shall be free. I shall show the true meaning of willpower. To myself, if not else.
Ok, so for today's happy section: I recently installed Adobe Photoshop (how did I survive without it?) and I started to learn Flash again. Actually for school, but since it's so fun, It gets to be in the joy section today. As will this. Man, this dude is seriously disturbed in the head.
Now I'm going to listen to some radio (Swedish P3 man!) and then I will go to bed. Good night, all you freedomdreamers.
Well, it's the end of the holiday. School tomorrow. I have decided that I will now be entering a period of work. I shall work, I shall finish and I shall prevail. After that I shall be free. I shall show the true meaning of willpower. To myself, if not else.
Ok, so for today's happy section: I recently installed Adobe Photoshop (how did I survive without it?) and I started to learn Flash again. Actually for school, but since it's so fun, It gets to be in the joy section today. As will this. Man, this dude is seriously disturbed in the head.
Now I'm going to listen to some radio (Swedish P3 man!) and then I will go to bed. Good night, all you freedomdreamers.
M$ WinFsck
My internet connection is goin up and down like a yo-yo from hell. All I can do for now is blame Micro$oft.
Had a swell night yesterday though. Easter rules, in the church at least. And I kissed Anna. Well, on the hand after doing a small walz with her, but still.
Man, I hope my mum never finds out about this blog...
Had a swell night yesterday though. Easter rules, in the church at least. And I kissed Anna. Well, on the hand after doing a small walz with her, but still.
Man, I hope my mum never finds out about this blog...
I'm back
I'm back from hell again!
Black hell is everywhere!
Or more specifically: I'm back online. Blasted servers! I hate technology that doesn't work. The worst part about it is that I'm the only one in our family that has any technical knowledge about computers, so it's always, always up to me to "fix" everything. And I hate it!
Anyway, after a couple of days of downtime it's working again, hopefully. Just before the informational blackout I joined a guild in WoW, and I soo want to play it. AND I want to try out the new things that came with the latest patch... unless the Blizzard servers are down (again) of course.
Submitted a new image to deviantART. Turned out to be ok.
Some good news then: It's spring! It's getting really warm outside and I just love it. This is the worst winter I've ever had and I just want to get to the summer! I want to get out of this place! Even if it does mean I'm going to run around in the terrain playing with real weapons and patching people up when they shoot themselves in the foot. Nah, it won't be school so it will be great. I'll keep ye posted.
Black hell is everywhere!
Or more specifically: I'm back online. Blasted servers! I hate technology that doesn't work. The worst part about it is that I'm the only one in our family that has any technical knowledge about computers, so it's always, always up to me to "fix" everything. And I hate it!
Anyway, after a couple of days of downtime it's working again, hopefully. Just before the informational blackout I joined a guild in WoW, and I soo want to play it. AND I want to try out the new things that came with the latest patch... unless the Blizzard servers are down (again) of course.
Submitted a new image to deviantART. Turned out to be ok.
Some good news then: It's spring! It's getting really warm outside and I just love it. This is the worst winter I've ever had and I just want to get to the summer! I want to get out of this place! Even if it does mean I'm going to run around in the terrain playing with real weapons and patching people up when they shoot themselves in the foot. Nah, it won't be school so it will be great. I'll keep ye posted.
Me and some dudes are making a small movie. It's based on all the action movies with Steven Segal, I and two others play Steven's sons, since he died in one of his earlier movies. Lots of action and invulnerability, no story, and a really wierd happy ending. Might be fun.
I was in Gothenburg the other day... bought the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction (very nice), a couple of new indoor shoes (my others were falling apart, literally), a shirt with Rammstein, and this.
And so the much wanted story about the love from Holland.
I was playing WoW as a female undead warlock and I ask for help with a quest. I get a reply from someone, we meet up, and not after long he asks me if I'm a girl. I say "what do I look like?" and he then assumes that I am indeed a girl. Maybe it was slightly my fault, but it gets better. He asks me about my age, and when he finds out that I'm 18, he gets a little sad, because he was 12 and he was going to ask me to "go steady", which is of course completely ridiculous since he knows absolutely nothing about me, not even things he thinks he knows. He then proceeds to help me with everything I ask, all while saying stuff like "I think i'm in love", "I should always die for you" when dying, causing me to do the same; "I don't love your body I love your soul", since we were playing undead; and "we must fight together", when attacking a horde of high level enemies, which we cannot possibly take on.
It was quite fun though. Hope he gets a life. Unless he thought he was tricking me as well and was no 12 year old, but an angry 2000 year old demon from hell! If that was the case he can go... back... to hell!
I was in Gothenburg the other day... bought the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction (very nice), a couple of new indoor shoes (my others were falling apart, literally), a shirt with Rammstein, and this.
And so the much wanted story about the love from Holland.
I was playing WoW as a female undead warlock and I ask for help with a quest. I get a reply from someone, we meet up, and not after long he asks me if I'm a girl. I say "what do I look like?" and he then assumes that I am indeed a girl. Maybe it was slightly my fault, but it gets better. He asks me about my age, and when he finds out that I'm 18, he gets a little sad, because he was 12 and he was going to ask me to "go steady", which is of course completely ridiculous since he knows absolutely nothing about me, not even things he thinks he knows. He then proceeds to help me with everything I ask, all while saying stuff like "I think i'm in love", "I should always die for you" when dying, causing me to do the same; "I don't love your body I love your soul", since we were playing undead; and "we must fight together", when attacking a horde of high level enemies, which we cannot possibly take on.
It was quite fun though. Hope he gets a life. Unless he thought he was tricking me as well and was no 12 year old, but an angry 2000 year old demon from hell! If that was the case he can go... back... to hell!
"Good" night
Meehhh... I am so tired right now... just got back from a friend's. Played some GameCube with Mario Kart and Donkey Konga... It could have been better though. Everyone there takes it all so seriously. Every trial is a competition, every game is a world cup final. I'm quite tired of it actually. If there is something in this world you should not take seriously it's games. That is why they are called games and not future-depending-trials-of-importance. So please, guys, relax.
I got Resident Evil 4 the other day. Yeah... I have to play it more at night though... the scary panic effects does not really come to their rights in daylight. Still a wonderful game.
I somehow got a 12-year old kid from the Netherlands to fall in love with me today. Get the full story tomorrow.
I got Resident Evil 4 the other day. Yeah... I have to play it more at night though... the scary panic effects does not really come to their rights in daylight. Still a wonderful game.
I somehow got a 12-year old kid from the Netherlands to fall in love with me today. Get the full story tomorrow.
Yes... Harmony is the band I'm listening to as we speak. As I write. Yes. Either way it's a cool christian power metal band. Check 'em out. Speaking of the church, I just got back from there, doing my weekly confirmation leader thing. The group is actually getting better and better. Though they can be quite loud at times. STFUOKIPLZTHX! But I leave that part to the priest.
Tomorrow is bowling. And then I'm going to a WoW-LAN. It'll be really great. But it'll be even better when I get home. Because tomorrow I will also purchase Resident Evil 4! Then I won't sleep for the rest of the holiday... partly because of the gaming, partly because of the horror. The horror... (Guess the movie quote).
Now I'm off to watch 24. I know it's the same thing over and over again, but I've kind of started, so I don't want to miss episodes, or it will be even worse. Now peace out, and wait for my reports from the LAN, if I get time to make any that is.
Tomorrow is bowling. And then I'm going to a WoW-LAN. It'll be really great. But it'll be even better when I get home. Because tomorrow I will also purchase Resident Evil 4! Then I won't sleep for the rest of the holiday... partly because of the gaming, partly because of the horror. The horror... (Guess the movie quote).
Now I'm off to watch 24. I know it's the same thing over and over again, but I've kind of started, so I don't want to miss episodes, or it will be even worse. Now peace out, and wait for my reports from the LAN, if I get time to make any that is.
A slight progress
First up: the latest news from the World of Warcraft. I am now level 25. I have gone back to the Eastern Kingdoms to complete some old quests. I have a new, better, uglier shield. ... Well, that's about it. I hope to be getting a really cool armor soon, I just have to go through hell and back to get it.
And now for some stuff that might be interesting to the rest of humanity: If you haven't noticed, Antipiratbyråns webpage (anti-piracy) has been hacked for quite some time now by AUH, Angry Young Hackers. A really nice way of showing that their behaviour is not acceptable. I came up with a really nice metaphor for this: They (the pirate hunters) are trying to control the Internet, which is ilke trying to put out a forest fire with a fire hose. With Bahnhof they managed to put out an entire tree, but while they was doing that the grass started to glow under their feet, and they are now trapped between all the other mighty burning oaks. As I have always said, they will go down in a burning inferno.
Keep it cool. Or hot... or, whatever...
And now for some stuff that might be interesting to the rest of humanity: If you haven't noticed, Antipiratbyråns webpage (anti-piracy) has been hacked for quite some time now by AUH, Angry Young Hackers. A really nice way of showing that their behaviour is not acceptable. I came up with a really nice metaphor for this: They (the pirate hunters) are trying to control the Internet, which is ilke trying to put out a forest fire with a fire hose. With Bahnhof they managed to put out an entire tree, but while they was doing that the grass started to glow under their feet, and they are now trapped between all the other mighty burning oaks. As I have always said, they will go down in a burning inferno.
Keep it cool. Or hot... or, whatever...
Free for a day
I'm not in school today, which means I'm making massive progress in WoW! I am currently taking a break, waiting for my ressurection sickness to lay off... Well, I should check back now, hope nothing has killed me. Blasted horde...
A Sunday
This day went by pretty much unnoticed. Played some WoW, updated the youth site for the parish, and went to see Constantine, from which I just got back. It could have been worse, but it could also have been better. The thought was good, but it lacked in style. Unfortunately. But then, who am I, or any film critic by the way, to judge a movie? It's not like we can go out and do something better in a week.
The snow is falling heavily outside my window. I do not want it to snow. I want it to be summer. This may have been the worst winter of my life. Just an uneccesary time period I had to get though to get to the things I want.
Good night.
The snow is falling heavily outside my window. I do not want it to snow. I want it to be summer. This may have been the worst winter of my life. Just an uneccesary time period I had to get though to get to the things I want.
Good night.
Too much, followed by nothing
The title pretty much sums up what this day was like. Chemistry exam in the morning. Not fun. When I finally got through I played Actung, die Kurve and Chip n' Dale until dinner, and after that I and a friend completed Chip n' Dale and began the work on Life Force. That is a hard game, let me tell you... I was planning on playing Castlevania, but alas, it shall have to wait until another day.
Some news about the Nintendo Revolution! Waho! I wonder if the wi-fi will be the only revolutionary thing. There has been monsterous amounts of rumors suggesting that there will be gyroscopes in the controllers, making it feel how you're holding it. In either case I think Nintendo is doing the right thing by going for innovation. When the consoles have reached their limit in hardware and the craphics is so perfect it's ridiculous, what are they going to do? The hardware does not make the game, look at all the fancy, expensive, beautiful and BORING games of today. I am especially referring to all the FPS games. Only a few of those (say three out of thirty) contribute, the others are either ripoffs or repetitions. No, when all the others sit there with their heavy machines Nintendo will pevail because they can still give the player something new. It may take time, but they will suceed. At least that's what I think... Until then, play tha Resident Evil 4! I don't have it just yet, but it will be out in a week. Mmmmmmm... ResidentEvilFour.
Just watched Treasure Hunters too. Ok action and riddles, but not that exciting after all. Leech it first or you might buy something that will be watched once and then forgotten.
Keep it real.
Some news about the Nintendo Revolution! Waho! I wonder if the wi-fi will be the only revolutionary thing. There has been monsterous amounts of rumors suggesting that there will be gyroscopes in the controllers, making it feel how you're holding it. In either case I think Nintendo is doing the right thing by going for innovation. When the consoles have reached their limit in hardware and the craphics is so perfect it's ridiculous, what are they going to do? The hardware does not make the game, look at all the fancy, expensive, beautiful and BORING games of today. I am especially referring to all the FPS games. Only a few of those (say three out of thirty) contribute, the others are either ripoffs or repetitions. No, when all the others sit there with their heavy machines Nintendo will pevail because they can still give the player something new. It may take time, but they will suceed. At least that's what I think... Until then, play tha Resident Evil 4! I don't have it just yet, but it will be out in a week. Mmmmmmm... ResidentEvilFour.
Just watched Treasure Hunters too. Ok action and riddles, but not that exciting after all. Leech it first or you might buy something that will be watched once and then forgotten.
Keep it real.
A day of evasion
Well, something really funny happened at school today. First some background story: At my school we sit and work in small rooms with approx. four people in each. These rooms are called cells. Now, this dude in my cell, we can call him Sebastian, because that's his name, tends to be and behave slightly different from the rest of us. To put it simple, he wants to work, we want to play emulated NES games.
Now, the conflict has been going back and forth for some time, or gaming computer has been moved to another room, and then moved back, and some sort of weird agreement was met, broken, and finally ignored, which resulted in the four of us moving to the cell next door. We spent most of the day moving computers and rearranging the new cell, cleaning the place and making everything crisp, and making room for everyone. We even took a car and went to buy a door mat. A green one.
Our floor hasn't been known for being the most well cleaned, so when the two assistant head masters came by to check the place out and give out directions for tidying everything up, our new cell was the only one that didn't get a warning. Considering that this cell was the dirtiest of them all one hour ago, this was completely hilarious. It gets better when you note the fact that Sebastian has given appearance of being the most tidy person on the school (at least on our floor).
Allow me an evil laugh of freedom. This was the change that might just get me through the first part of spring alive!
Tomorrow I have a chemistry exam. It's quite hard. Hope I pass. Hope with me. I also hope I will get a chance to watch Constantine this weekend. It seems really interesting.
Finally some piracy news. Or rather some piracy links, in swedish.
Now, the conflict has been going back and forth for some time, or gaming computer has been moved to another room, and then moved back, and some sort of weird agreement was met, broken, and finally ignored, which resulted in the four of us moving to the cell next door. We spent most of the day moving computers and rearranging the new cell, cleaning the place and making everything crisp, and making room for everyone. We even took a car and went to buy a door mat. A green one.
Our floor hasn't been known for being the most well cleaned, so when the two assistant head masters came by to check the place out and give out directions for tidying everything up, our new cell was the only one that didn't get a warning. Considering that this cell was the dirtiest of them all one hour ago, this was completely hilarious. It gets better when you note the fact that Sebastian has given appearance of being the most tidy person on the school (at least on our floor).
Allow me an evil laugh of freedom. This was the change that might just get me through the first part of spring alive!
Tomorrow I have a chemistry exam. It's quite hard. Hope I pass. Hope with me. I also hope I will get a chance to watch Constantine this weekend. It seems really interesting.
Finally some piracy news. Or rather some piracy links, in swedish.
Le work.
Yip. I'm kind of le tired today. Could be because today end in ten minutes, but it could also be because of all the work I do late at night, which is the time when I work best. Actually I work good whenever I'm alone and is able to do what I want, listen to ridicolusly loud music and surf the web, all at the same time. The fabulous site www.onsalaungdom.se is kind of up too. It will be up as soon as Crystone manages to switch the current server from Windows to Linux, cause we need both php and MySQL, which is superior and, of course, not supported by M$.
In other news, I'm trying out Google's image program Picasa by posting a screenshot of my surfer-desktop.
Tomorrow that is. I'll let it archive all images on the disk during the night. Hmm... getting a slight headache. Must sleep. 4000 people has filed complaint agains the swedish "Antipiratbyrån", the anti piracy bureau. They are so going down. Next: Microsoft... Well, well, in a perfect world.
I'm so tired. Good night.
In other news, I'm trying out Google's image program Picasa by posting a screenshot of my surfer-desktop.
Tomorrow that is. I'll let it archive all images on the disk during the night. Hmm... getting a slight headache. Must sleep. 4000 people has filed complaint agains the swedish "Antipiratbyrån", the anti piracy bureau. They are so going down. Next: Microsoft... Well, well, in a perfect world.
I'm so tired. Good night.
The next year of my life.
It is now certain that I will do military service the next year. I got the papers last friday. Twelve days after graduation it's off to live the hard life. But I'm not negative. I will absolutely enjoy this! As long as it's not studying I'm happy. Well, I know there will be some theory involved with equpiment and stuff, but that doesn't count.
Last friday I also bought a new record, Goa-head vol. 16, which is a absolutely lovely collection of goa trance and psychedelic trance. I have however still not been able to listen to the two discs (not even one whole actually) because of several annoying reasons, the most recent beeing my sister playing Donkey Konga with my stereo as I write. I want out of here! Far away! The situation does not improve when everybody around me keeps asking for help with their computers that doesn't work. I am so sick of fixing computers. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/frustrations/388b/
High point of the day (so far): My walls were shaking slightly when I played trance on really high volume and max base.
Low point of the day: I need to work. But I don't want to work! Damn you obligations!!
Last friday I also bought a new record, Goa-head vol. 16, which is a absolutely lovely collection of goa trance and psychedelic trance. I have however still not been able to listen to the two discs (not even one whole actually) because of several annoying reasons, the most recent beeing my sister playing Donkey Konga with my stereo as I write. I want out of here! Far away! The situation does not improve when everybody around me keeps asking for help with their computers that doesn't work. I am so sick of fixing computers. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/frustrations/388b/
High point of the day (so far): My walls were shaking slightly when I played trance on really high volume and max base.
Low point of the day: I need to work. But I don't want to work! Damn you obligations!!
The beginning! Or maybe something else... who knows?
Well, I heard on the radio that a new blog is created every six seconds. Probably true. And now I am one of the many with a need to write, and for some reason a need for lots of people to read what you write. I must admit, I like it too!
So how does one start a blog? What should you write? I guess it should it be something that defines the whole blog, something that marks how the post will procede and something that sets the bar for what will be written. And that's probably what I'm doing, without knowing (hey, that rhymed... almost!).
High point of the day: Breakfast. Bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, toast and milk.
Low point of the day: Settlers 2 crashed on me. I need an old gaming computer for all the good games.
So how does one start a blog? What should you write? I guess it should it be something that defines the whole blog, something that marks how the post will procede and something that sets the bar for what will be written. And that's probably what I'm doing, without knowing (hey, that rhymed... almost!).
High point of the day: Breakfast. Bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, toast and milk.
Low point of the day: Settlers 2 crashed on me. I need an old gaming computer for all the good games.
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